Monday, October 18, 2010

Good Morning, Everyone!

Just a quick note that our Logo has changed and the "Goddess Gossip"
will be cancelled for the month of October due to the lack of interest.

For all those you are interested in the November classes. Please get
your Registrations in so your products may be ordered and here on

For further information please stop in or E-mail me at

Thanks and have a Healthy Day,

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ligonier Living

Ligonier Living: "The Barking Toadstool: Issue #1
' We human beings are an intelligent, creative and marvelous lot. Yet, we limit our greatness daily, hourly, and even by the minute. I think this happens because of confusion? An Example of this might be that we confuse problem solving with guilt...'

You're invited to seek inner adventure and creative thinking every Sunday during our 'Goddess Gossip' at The Enchanted Moment 110 N Fairfield Street. Classes will start at 4:00pm and end at 6:00pm.

Each Sunday evening holds a new avenue of information of holistic healing. Join me THIS Sunday for our First 'Goddess Gossip' starting at 4:00pm - 6:00pm. Ladies this is a FREE class and the topic discussion is, Fear and the Art of Problem Solving with guest speaker
Gary Beatty. With a unique twist to 'thinking outside the box'. Gary calls upon his expertise in education and personal life experiences with a dash of humor.

First Sunday: Face Mask of the Month
Registration Donation: $20.00 due by Friday October 29th for the November 7th class

Second Sunday: Spa Herbal Tea of the Month
Registration Donation: $5.00 due by Friday November 5th for the November 14th class

Third Sunday: Open Forum (collective thoughts from previous classes)

Fourth Sunday: Managing Stress and Depression during
the Fall and Winter Months


For more information please stop by or E-mail me at

Looking forward to seeing all of you!


Friday, October 1, 2010

The Goddess Package

One of my FAVORITE packages at the shop is "The Goddess Package".
Two whole hours of relaxation that combines the benefits of massage,
healthy nourishment's, Organic Herbal Spa Tea and Decant Chocolates.
A nice slow customized experience for our Guests that time just seems
to melt away. I love my LIFE!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Zen Story

A Zen Story

A Zen Story

Behind a temple was a vine with many squashes growing on it. One day a fight broke out among them, and the squashes split up into angry groups, making a big racket. Hearing the uproar, the head priest went outside, saw the quarreling, and scolded them: "Hey! Squashes! Why are you fighting? Now --- everybody do zazen (meditation)."

The priest taught them how, showing them how to fold their legs and sit up straight, and as the squashes began to follow the priest's instructions, they calmed down and stopped fighting.

"Now," the priest said, "everyone put your hand on top of your head." When the squashes felt the top of their heads, they found something attached there, which turned out to be the vine that connected them all together.

"What a mistake!" the squashes said, realizing their predicament. "We're actually all tied together, living just one life!" From that moment on the squashes never again fought.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

August Special's

August Special's

Check out our Special's for August ;)
See you soon.

August Special's

30 minute Back Massage...............................$25.00
30 minute Back Exfoliation/Massage...........$50.00
FREE Hand Exfoliation and Paraffin Dip With above purchase.
Have you tried our 4 Berry Blend Paraffin Dip?
The Enchanted Moment
110 N Fairfield Street

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Adult Sunday Summer Fitness Classes

Movement is just not of the body, it is also of the mind and spirit! Come with us on a journey and develop all three. Be, Grow, Become!

Moving Meditation: Instructor Mr. Gary Beatty
Class: Consist of the basics of Tai Chi, Yoga, Seated Meditation and Silent Walking
Length: 6 week sessions, 2 hours each
When: Every Sunday from 10:00 am - 12:00 noon
Where: Summit Peak of Forbes Park at Wolf's Rock Parking Lot
Price: Pre-registration: $60.00, saving $30.00
Walk-In's: $15.00

U.G.L.Y. (U. Get. Lean. Yourself.) Muscle Fitness: Instructor Mr. Gary Beatty
Class: Part A: consist of Body Weight Exercises, and will include the use of Rocks, and Swing Set Exercises. The Part B of our class will consist of Mixed Martial Arts in three stages of progression: Sword, Stick and Knife, and Open Hand.
Length: 6 week sessions, 2 hours each
When: Every Sunday from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Where: Little Playground in Rector across from the old country store before Linn Run
Price: Pre-registration: $120.00, saving $30.00
Walk-In's $25.00

Pre-registration and Registration Forms are NOW AVAILABLE at
The Enchanted Moment on 110 N Fairfield Street. Forms will be available after hours in our "Unlimited Possibilities" Box. For further information you may call us at (724) 771 - 1186.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Business Copiers + Personnel Information = ?

This was sent to me from one of my Goddess's from the "Goddess Gossip" classes. I was not aware of these transactions and wanted to share this story with all of you.
I am shocked and find myself asking, why? Why is this even permitted in the copiers?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Page-a-Day® Online Calendars

Page-a-Day® Online Calendars: "junk in the box

Get your name off direct-mail lists once and for all with a few clicks.

For information:

To get off catalog lists:

To opt out of credit-card and insurance solicitations:

To outsource: will contact dozens of direct marketers on your behalf, for a small fee."

Daily Insight Newsletter May 05, 2010

"Your Brain on Meditation"

Science has proven that meditating actually restructures
your brain and can train in to concentrate, feel greater
compassion, cope with stress, and more.

By Kelly McGonigal

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Perfect Gift: The Gift of Health

The Gift of Health
This Mother's Day let your journey begin at
The Enchanted Moment.
Give her the Perfect Gift. The Gift of Health.

Mother's Day Gift Certificate : Reservation Required
Includes: papaya face mask, one hour massage, gourmet chocolates
Regular Price: $185.00
Your Price: $135.00
Economic Savings: $50.00

** FREE Exotic Chocolate Cherry or Raspberry Body Oil with Purchase**
** Please allow at least 2 hrs for session, gratuity is not include in price**
*valid until Saturday May 29, 2010*

Holistic Tip: Geranium Essential Oil

Holistic Tip: Geranium Essential Oil

Holistic Recipes: Chai Spice Pancakes

Holistic Recipes: Chai Spice Pancakes

Holistic Tip: Sweet Orange Essential Oil

Holistic Tip: Sweet Orange Essential Oil

Holistic Tip: Grapefruit Essential Oil

Holistic Tip: Grapefruit Essential Oil

Holitic Tip: Lemon Essential Oil

Holitic Tip: Lemon Essential Oil

Holistic Tip: Essential Oils helping the Reproductive System

Holistic Tip: Essential Oils helping the Reproductive System

Holistic Tip: Lime Essential Oil

Holistic Tip: Lime Essential Oil

Holistic Tip: Recyclable Leather

Holistic Tip: Recyclable Leather

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Gift of Health

This Mother's Day let your journey begin at
The Enchanted Moment.
Give her the Perfect Gift. The Gift of Health.

Mother's Day Gift Certificate : Reservation Required
Includes: papaya face mask, one hour massage, gourmet chocolates
Regular Price: $185.00
Your Price: $135.00
Economic Savings: $50.00

** FREE Exotic Chocolate Cherry or Raspberry Body Oil with Purchase**
** Please allow at least 2 hrs for session, gratuity is not include in price**
*valid until Saturday May 29, 2010*

Monday, March 29, 2010

Holistic Recipe: Apple Spice Turnover

Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 25 minutes
Skill: Medium
Servings: Makes 6 pieces

1 Package of Simply Organic Chai Spice Scone Mix
1 tbsp. corn or potato starch
4 tbsp. unsalted butter, plus 1 tbsp slightly melted
2 eggs slightly beaten
1 - 3 tbsp of milk
3/4 cup of finely diced apples (about 2 medium apples)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Medium mixing bowl, cut in 4 tbsp butter to dry mix.
Add eggs and stir
Add mild, 1 tbsp at a time to achieve dough texture
Knead dough using rice flour
Dived into 6 equal parts
Make a circle about 1/4 inch thick (thinner on the edges)
Place on lightly greased cookie sheet

Small mixing bowl, mix apples and 1 tbsp of butter
Place 2 tbsp of filling onto dough and fold dough over creasing
the edges to seal
Repeat for each
Bake for 20 to 25 minutes

Saturday, March 27, 2010

In the middle of the night I awoke to a bright light in my face. I thought that someone was on the roof and trying to break in. In our bedroom, there is a small window and when I looked through it to see what was going on. There, something truly beautiful caught my attention. It was O' Bella Luna herself. Big, radiant and full of life. Having no idea of the time, I woke my husband up to share this breath taken sight. I felt bad because he WAS in a deep, peaceful sleep, but couldn't help myself. Together we lie there for about ten minutes in each others arms and thanked our creator for waking us up to view on of his many many gifts!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Holistic Tip: Facial Inflammation

Focus: red, irritated, inflamed skin

Benefits: The proteins, fat, amino acids, Vitamin A all help to reduce and calm irritation on the skin. The Lactic Acid in milk adds additional bonus of exfoliation with extra softness and glow.

Ingredients: clean dry wash cloth, cold milk, bowl

Directions: Soak clean washcloth in cold milk and place on skin for about 10 minutes. Rinse with cold water, pat to dry and repeat as necessary.

Monday Night Zumba

Last nights Zumba class was full of high energy, vocalization and the rhythm. The rhythm swept me away into my own little world. Miss Hope is amazing and her spirit is bright!

Found a new way to tie my coin skirt so it doesn't fall down to my knees. Ha, ha, ha... The massage sessions before and after Zumba has benefited my body even more than anticipated. Not only am I able to last the full 60 minutes, but there has been a decrease in the FM and my cardio has improved.

Picking up another class on Thursday and Saturday. I love it! I'm addicted! Going back to your basics is ever so sweet!"

Friday, March 19, 2010


Ok for some reason the link is not transferring. Just search Google under maps and you can get the directions from there. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Ligonier I need Feedback!

I have had great success with the clothing swap. Have many ideas for the future, but want to know what you all think. Suggestions? Enjoy this AMAZING DAY!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen

I have been having soooo much seeing all the NEW faces at The The Enchanted Moment. Thank you for sharing your stories and continually keep the energy levels high. So many beautiful ladies and honorable gentlemen that live here in Ligonier. All having a past, living in the present and striving for the future. Isn't it GREAT to be wonderful you!!!

Did You Know?

That a 1 hour massage given by the Massage Practitioner is considered 4 hours of labored work on their bodies due to the high demand of performance, productivity, proper body mechanics, stamina, durability and hydration levels?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Random Thoughts

Hello Ladies,

I am extending the clothing swap for one more day due to the awesome success from yesterday!
10:00am - 5:00pm. This will not be a one time event. Through out the year (and I've already have next years events planned) I will be hosting a lot of cool and unique events for everyone. There is SO much to offer that this is going to take a long time to bring everything out to everyone. But, hey got the time cause I'm not going any where :-)

I see that Amanda Bridge has finally open her business! That's so cool to see former massage students to succeed like she has and is going to. I wish her the very best of luck in all she does!

So many therapists are afraid to extend the knowledge, fear of possible competition or even failing. This transition is something we all go through whether its a new job, family, location or going back to school. Welcome to the wonderful new world of "The Fear of The Unknown". There IS room for everyone! Luckily for me being a Day Spa. I really only have one possible competitor in town (the other Spa), but with the education and retail that makes my business truly unique! Actually, there IS nothing like The Enchanted Moment (that's how I designed her) around.

Donna, when is your Mini Triathlon? Congratulations on your recent weight loss. That's so cool!Well, hope you all have a great day and enjoy brother sun! It's Zumba thursday and can't wait. WOO HOO!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Myself, Zumba and Gold Coin Skirt OH MY!

I'm WAY to EXCITED to keep this to myself. About a month and a half ago I pre-registered Zumba classes with a fellow colleague, dear friend and an inspirational woman. My first class started Monday the 9th of March. Let's just say that I LOVE it sooooo much that I picked up another class and now doing Zumba twice a week. Tomorrow will be fourth class and can't wait.

Zumba is like an alternative drug to me. I'm surrounded by real women of all ages and sizes. The ENERGY from 105 women and our beautiful and very talented instructor is the ULTIMATE SPIRITUAL HIGH!

I order a gold coin skirt, not even knowing if it would fit...and it does. This skirt is the tool to perfect centering and core stabilization. Not to mention the added Adrenalin from the haunting sounds it makes when your core muscles are tight. LOVE IT.

So far I have lost 6.5lbs. For me, this is amazing! Real motivation, Real women, and just plain old raw primal movement! It doesn't get better than that. Going back to your basics is fantastic!!

" If you do not go within, you go with out." -unknown
All the answers are inside you, you just have to courage to go and get them.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Quote of the Day: Mr. Albert Einstein

March 14, 1879 - April 18, 1955

"The Most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who no longer can pause and to wonder, and stand rapt in awe, is good as dead; his eyes are closed"

Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Go Green...Update"

Ladies, bring in 4 articles of clothing and simply "swap" them out. Sizes range from 7 and up. Brand new clothes and shoes with price tags still on them. Some kids clothes. Please join us for our FIRST of many "Go Green, buy Saving Green". See you there to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day.

Facebook Page

Hello everyone! If I did this correctly, this link should take you to my Facebook page. If not, well it's a working progress. Thanks for your patients!

Just breathe,

"Go Green, buy Saving Green"

Ladies, shop for FREE with the FIRST clothing swap. Bring in 4 articles of clothing in good condition and "swap" them out. Shop for yourself, child, mother, or sister. Various Sizes.
Celebrate Saint Patrick's Day in STYLE!
*FREE product sample: Cinnamon Sugar Hand Scrub

Friday, March 12, 2010

Up coming Enchantments

*Tuesday March 16th...6pm-8pm...Benefits of Coconut Oil, Energy Demonstration, Introduction to a NEW product. Slumber Party Theme: Favorite PJ's, Sweats, Pillows, Blankie

*Wednesday March 17th...11am-5pm...HAPPY SAINT PATRICK'S DAY!!...Go Green by Saving Green...Clothing Swap. More information to follow.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Hello Ladies, I am very excited to share that my Facebook page is not up and running. It's still a working progress, but I do have current photos posted. They turned out beautifully! Also, up coming events should be posted today. Thank you for your support.

Just breathe,

Saturday, February 20, 2010

New Site

Dear friends,

I have been asked on numerous occasions about a website. To keep up with requests. I have been working on a FaceBook Page specifically for The Enchanted Moment only. This page will have all my services, up coming events, product lines, special and educational information etc.

I will keep everyone posted when this page will be up. Thank you for your support and consideration!

Just breathe,

Friday, February 19, 2010

Saturday February 20, 2010

Exclusive One day only! Take advantage of this fantastic deal!
1/2 hour back massage
paraffin dip to the hands
only $25.00

10am - 7pm
cash or check only

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Exclusive Special Offer

Tired of being cooped up inside? Get out this Saturday February 20, 2010 and stop in at The Enchanted Moment. I am offering an Exclusive One Time Offer. RSPV is appreciated to ensure you receive your massage. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please stop in, call @724-771-1186, or E-mail at Please specify the time you require and I will E-mail your confirmation or call. Hope to see you there!
Recover from Snow Removal
1/2 hour back massage with a paraffin dip to the hands
Regular Price: $50.00
Special Price: $25.00
Economic Savings: $25
The Enchanted Moment honoring the Goddess within
110 N Fairfield Street
Ligonier, Pennsylvania 15658
(724) 771-1186
Winter Hours
Monday and Tuesday...........................................Closed
Cash or Check Only

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Valentine's Day Special

The Enchanted Moment
honoring the Goddess within
110 N Fairfield Street
Ligonier, Pennsylvania 15658
Winter Hours
Monday - Tuesday........................Closed
W - TH - F......................................10 -5
Saturday..........................................10 - 7
Sunday..............................................12 - 4
Dear Ladies,
One of Life's guilty pleasures doesn't have to be guilty any more! Let our sinfully rich
"Chocolate Kisses" Body Scrub Treatment send you on the ultimate chocolate high. We all know it's good on the inside, but it can be GREAT also on the outside! Yum...
Reserve you Chocolate Experience Now!! Take advantage of our Economic Savings.
"Chocolate Kisses"
A 1 1/2 hour chocolate sensation that will send you on the
ultimate chocolate roller coaster. Indulge yourself in this rich
Chocolate Sugar Scrub followed by a full body massage with sweet
chocolate oil!
Special Price: $100.00
Economic Savings: $55.00
Privilege, Privacy, Peace...take a deep breath...
Blessed be,

Body Scrub Treatments

The Enchanted Moment
honoring the Goddess within
110 N Fairfield Street
Ligonier, Pennsylvania 15658

Dear Ladies,

Have you ever had a Body Scrub and Massage Package and wonder where the massage went? It felt good, but...could it have been better?

Here at The Enchanted Moment every scrub and massage package is just that. The selected Seasonal Scrub is applied to the body first, then a full body massage (unless specified in a different package). We guarantee it!! Please allow at least 1 1/2 hours for full body treatments.

Remember the feeling of grandma's house? It's here, waiting for you once again. Allow us to be that one place that is "A Home Away from Home".

"Privilege, Privacy, Peace...take a deep breath..."

Blessed be,