Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Zen Story

Behind a temple was a vine with many squashes growing on it. One day a fight broke out among them, and the squashes split up into angry groups, making a big racket. Hearing the uproar, the head priest went outside, saw the quarreling, and scolded them: "Hey! Squashes! Why are you fighting? Now --- everybody do zazen (meditation)."

The priest taught them how, showing them how to fold their legs and sit up straight, and as the squashes began to follow the priest's instructions, they calmed down and stopped fighting.

"Now," the priest said, "everyone put your hand on top of your head." When the squashes felt the top of their heads, they found something attached there, which turned out to be the vine that connected them all together.

"What a mistake!" the squashes said, realizing their predicament. "We're actually all tied together, living just one life!" From that moment on the squashes never again fought.

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